ctgc overview

The WEIRDEST (but somehow also CLEAN) sales video we’ve ever done.

There’s a few things you’re going to love about “Crack The Girl Code.”

The first is, of course, the astonishing conversions you’ve gotten used to with products from Digital Romance.

But what you’re going to love even more is the slack jawed “WTF” response you get when you show the sales video to your friends.

Here it is so you can check it out:


Crack The Girl Code is our first “not written by Mike” product for men and it’s got the LOWEST refund rate of anything we’ve seen in the men’s market.

The product was created by a woman who’s been helping guys get girl and get laid for the last DECADE. . . .

And that special perspective (being a GIRL who’s teaching guys how to pick up girls) is what really sets it apart.

If you have any questions or comments send us an email or post on our exclusive Affiliate Facebook Page where you can get direct access to the whole team.

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Category: ctgc-overview