For Men – Easiest way out of the doghouse?

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No way this works . . .
Text The Romance Back?
(VIDEO) Push Button Romance
Romantic Siberia?
Why she’s never in the mood . . .
“She has a headache?”

Hey, it’s (YOUR NAME) . . .

And I hate to say it, but you’ve been lied to . . .

A LOT . . .

If you’re like most guys you’ve been told again and again that
really “romancing” the woman in your life takes a lot of “work” . . .

That you have to shell out a bunch of money on flowers or candy or
nights out . . .

That you have to put on some monkey suit you hate to wear . . .

Or go see some “chick flick” (that you hate) to make her happy . . .

My friend Michael Fiore just put up this video that explains the “dirty
truth” about romance . . .

Shows you why the woman in your life is “never in the mood” for love . . .

And teaches you a weird method he discovered to use tiny little text
messages to have her swooning and craving you literally at the push of
a button . . .

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I was really skeptical when I first heard about this . . .

Then I watched the video and was blown away . . .

Mike really puts his money where his mouth is and you should check this
out while you can.

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P.S. Mike’s been on “The Rachael Ray Show”, was interviewed by Time Magazine
and is pretty much the authority on using texting to put massive spark back
in your love life.

This stuff is totally addictive to women and will change your relationship
with your girlfriend or wife (or any woman you meet) forever.

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Category: trb-email