Product Overview

Make INSANE commissions on the product that has the lowest refund rate of any of our offerings and probably the lowest refund rate in the entire relationship niche.

Secret Survey came about when Michael Fiore (that’s me!) surveyed both our men’s and women’s email lists. I asked women “What’s the one thing you desperately want to know about men but are afraid to ask?” and asked men “What’s the one thing you desperately want the woman in your life to know but are afraid to tell her?”

We got THOUSANDS of responses and after digging through all the data and creating spiffy mind maps I spent weeks of my life feverishly writing about everything from Why Men Lie, How to Tell If A Man Really Loves You, How To Keep A Guy Faithful and more.

If you have any questions or comments send us an email or post on our exclusive Affiliate Facebook Page where you can get direct access to the whole team.

Perfect for women, single or in committed relationships, age 24+, especially women 45+. Sells well with urban wealthy, family-oriented “boomers” and red-state blue collar women.

Clickbank Vendor ID: whyhelies

Offer Price: $67

Commission Rate: 75%

Maximum Upsell Value: $102

Perfect For: Women, single or in committed relationships, age 24+, especially women 45+. Sells well with urban wealthy, family-oriented “boomers” and red-state blue collar women.

Product Images and Logos

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Email Swipe

Read Men’s Minds?

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Subject Lines

Read Men’s Minds?
X-Ray Vision For His Mind?
Does He Love You?
What Men Really Want?

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Does He Love You
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

My friend Michael Fiore recently asked over 20,000 men…

“What’s the one thing you desperately wish the woman in your
life understood about men but could NEVER tell her?”

The results were juicy, devastating and dangerous…

Guys opened up…

About how they FEEL about women…

About what they WANT from women…

About what makes them MAD about women…

Michael gave me a tiny peek at the survey results and I
suddenly felt like I had X-ray vision into men’s minds…

Michael’s decided to share the results with a few women…

And totally blow apart what you think you know about men…

Go watch this amazing video to find out more:

===>>> LINK (Does He Love You?)



P.S. Warning: Michael pulls no punches and this isn’t for the
faint of heart.

===>>> LINK (Does He Love You?)

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Why Men LIE

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Subject Lines

Why Men LIE?
Why He Lies…
(VIDEO) The Lies Men Tell
(VIDEO) Why Do Men Lie?

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Default: Sales Video
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

If you’ve ever had your heart broken or been lied to by a man,
you need to go watch this amazing video right now…

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)

It’s by nationally known relationship expert Michael Fiore and
it exposes a simple, horrible truth about men…

And shows you how to find out the real truth about how he
feels about you… what he wants from you… and how to
make a man truly yours forever.

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)

I don’t know how long this video is going to be up, so you need
to go watch it now:

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)



P.S. What Michael says in this video might break your heart or
make you MAD at first…

But it could change your life and your relationship with
men forever…

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)

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How To Trust Again

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Subject Lines

How To Trust Again
How To Trust A Man Again
Can You Trust A Man?
Why You Can’t Trust Men (scary)…

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Default: Sales Video
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

If you’ve ever had your heart broken and don’t know if you can
ever *trust* a man again,you need to drop everything and go
watch this incredible presentation…

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)

This video explains the secret reasons men LIE to women (even
women they truly do love)…

And a special “tweak” you can make in how you interact with a
man to force him to tell you the absolute truth…

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)

What’s amazing is once you learn what this video says you’ll
feel all your anxiety over trusting a man drain away like water…

Because you’ll know the secret to getting a man to be truly
open, honest and intimate with you…

So you can finally give a man your heart without worrying even
a little about getting hurt…

Or so you can see through his BS and stop yourself before you
make another mistake.

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)



P.S. I know how painful it is to have your heart broken and
feel like you can’t trust men, which is why I’m sending you
this incredible video. If you want to let go of the bitterness
and pain and experience joy and love again this is the most
important video you will ever watch…

===>>> LINK (Why Men LIE and How To Make Every Man Tell You The Truth)

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Secret Reason Men Look At Other Women

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Subject Lines

Secret Reason Men Look At Other Women
How To Tell If He Wants Another Woman
What Men Do When They Want To Cheat
Secret Signal He Wants To Cheat
What It Means When He Looks At Another Woman
Why Men Cheat On Supermodels…

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Default: Sales Video
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

Quick multiple choice question for you…

When a man who’s in a relationship looks at (or “ogles”) another woman it
means ______________.

A.) He wants to cheat and will do so if he can “get away” with it.
B.) He’s comparing how you look to this other woman and wondering if he can
“do better.”
C.) He’s “storing her away” in his mind for future fantasies.
D.) He’s a red blooded male (and “all men look” so it means nothing at all.)

Got your answer? Confident you know which one it is?

OK, the *real* answer is…

“It depends.”

See, the fact is ALL guys look at other women every day no matter how in love
they are and no matter how gorgeous a man’s wife or girlfriend is…

But the reason WHY a guy looks can be *completely innocent*…

Or can be a huge red flag that something is *wrong* in your relationship and
this guy just can’t be trusted.

How do you find out which one it is?

You don’t do it by asking your guy.

Fact is, if you ask a guy why he looks at other women he’s going to clam up
and LIE to you (he might deny he ever even looked in the first place.)

Nope, the way you find out the TRUTH…

Is by going and watching this astonishing video by Michael Fiore right now…

=====>>> Find Out The Truth About Why He Looks At Other Women

What’s awesome about this video is it teaches you the secret reasons men LIE
to women they truly do love.

And how to instantly see past his lies (even if he’s telling them to “protect
you” and even if he doesn’t know he’s lying himself) and find out who he *really*
is on the inside… how he *really* feels about you… and if he’s a guy you should
give your heart to or run the other way.

=====>>> Find Out The Truth About Why He Looks At Other Women

Watch this video and you’ll feel like you suddenly have a “super power” to gaze into
any man’s mind so he opens up to you like a book and so you understand him better than
anyone else in the world.

It’s really freaking cool.

But you have to watch it right now before it’s too late.

=====>>> Find Out The Truth About Why He Looks At Other Women



P.S. As Michael Fiore always says, you can live in reality or bury your head in the sand.
If you’d rather pretend the man (or men) in your life don’t look at other women that’s fine.

But if you’re ready to face the truth and learn how to drag his attention to you and only you
*forever* go watch this video right now:

=====>>> Find Out The Truth About Why He Looks At Other Women

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How To Know If A Man Loves You

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Subject Lines

How To Know If A Man Loves You
Want To Know If He Loves You? Ask These 7 Questions
7 Ways To Know If A Man Loves You (Or Is Just Using You)

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Does He Love You
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

If you’ve ever found yourself laying up at night,
chewing your lip and feeling incredible anxiety in
your chest because you don’t know if a man truly *loves*
you (or is just using you or waiting for something
“better” to come along)…

Then you need to go watch this presentation and
answer the 7 questions it asks right now…

====>>> LINK (7 Ways To Know If A Man Truly Loves You)

This video is called “7 Ways To Know If A Man Loves You”
and it’s a special training put together by Michael Fiore
that teaches you the 7 secret “signs” men unconsciously
give off that tell you if a guy is truly in love with
you or not…

====>>> LINK (7 Ways To Know If A Man Truly Loves You)

What’s crazy is that you’ll discover a man can be
head-over-heels in love with you and never say the words…

OR he can say the words “I love you” but if he doesn’t
pass the other 6 questions it means he’s LYING through
his teeth (even if he doesn’t know it himself.)

====>>> LINK (7 Ways To Know If A Man Truly Loves You)

What’s amazing about this video is just by watching it
you’ll finally know if he’s “The One” you should give
yourself to…

Or if you’re wasting your time.



P.S. Watching this video and answering the 7 questions
will either set your heart at ease or make you “wake up”
to the terrible truth. Either way, you owe it to yourself
to watch the whole thing right now:

====>>> LINK (7 Ways To Know If A Man Truly Loves You)

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What Love Means To A Man (LONG)

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Subject Lines

What Love Means To A Man…
“Love” Means Something Different To Men…
What A Man Means When He Says “I Love You” (NOT What You Expect.)
What He Hears When You Say “I Love You”…

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Does He Love You
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

And today I want to talk about *love*…

See, one of the things that makes men so crazy-making
for women is something called their “emotional geography”
and how it’s completely different than yours…

Heck, as you’ll learn in this incredible video by relationship
expert Michael Fiore, even the word “love” means something
completely different to men than it does to women…

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

To most women, “Love” means obsession, craving, absolute
dedication and a willingness to slay dragons just to see
you smile…

But to men love means ____________.

Can you fill in the blank?

If you can’t you need to go watch this video right now. It’ll
be almost impossible to have a great relationship with a man
until you understand this:

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

Tens of thousands of women have told me that simply watching this
video made everything about their relationships with men suddenly
“Make Sense” in a way it never had before.

This video might fill you with overwhelming joy.

Or it might hurt in a really exquisite way.

But you’ll never truly “Get” men unless you watch it right now.

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)



P.S. If you want to know what love means and want to know if he
REALLY loves you you have to watch this now.

Watch it now while you still can:

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

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What Love Means To A Man (SHORT)

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Subject Lines

What LOVE Means To A Man…
He Said “I Love You” Then Pulled Away… Here’s Why…
What He Means When He Says “I Love You”…
Do Women Love Differently Than Men?

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Does He Love You
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hi, it’s (NAME)…

Quick question:

Did you know the word “Love” means something completely
different to a man than it does to a woman…?

And that when he says “I love you” he’s not saying what you
*think* he’s saying (or what you *hope* he’s saying) at all?

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

It’s true…

To most women, “Love” means obsession, craving, absolute
dedication, eternal partnership and a willingness to slay
dragons just to see you smile…

But to men love means ____________.

Can you fill in the blank?

If you can’t you need to go watch this video right now. It’ll
be almost impossible to have a great relationship with a man
until you understand this:

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

If you’ve been banging your head against the wall falling for
the “Wrong” guy and getting hurt even though you thought he
“Loved” you this will be a huge eye opener and will change
your life forever…

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)



P.S. Imagine if men had a different definition of the word “blue” than
you did… how much would THAT mess things up. Is it any wonder it’s so
*hard* to have an incredible relationship with a man when you don’t even
mean the same thing when you talk about “Love?”

Watch this video to learn the absolute truth about men’s hearts and what
“Love” truly means to them right now…

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

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What His Valentine’s Gift Says About How Much He Loves You

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Subject Lines

What The Gift He Got You Says About How Much He Loves You…
What His Valentine’s Gift Says About How Much He Loves You…
Men Who Are In Love Do THIS On Valentine’s Day…
If He Doesn’t Do THIS On Valentine’s Day He Doesn’t Really Love You =-(

NOTE: When using this piece of swipe be sure to select the “Does He Love You
option from the pull down menu on the Hoplink Generator page.

Hey, it’s (NAME)…

Valentine’s day is fast approaching…

It’s supposed to be a joyful day where you feel absolutely,
100% adored by that special man in your life…

But if you’re like a lot of women you’ve never felt “adored”
on Valentines’ day at all…

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

In fact, if you’re like so many women I hear from, every year
you feel under appreciated, ignored… taken for granted and
barely thought of…

Like it’s pulling teeth just to get him to be romantic…

Which is why I want you to stop all the madness for a few
minutes and go watch this video…

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

It’s called “7 Ways To Know If A Man REALLY Loves You” and
it’s one of the most powerful things I’ve ever seen when it
comes to truly connecting with men…

In fact I get testimonials from women about this video all
the time saying things like “I wish I’d watched this 7 Ways
video when I was 20. I’m making my daughter watch it right
now. It would have saved me so many years of heartache.”

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

Watching this video and answering the 7 simple questions
it asks you will either fill your heart with astonishing joy…

Or make that doubt you’ve had singing in the back of your
mind come vibrantly to life as you suddenly KNOW EXACTLY
how he REALLY feels about you…

Either way, it’s something you MUST watch before Valentine’s
day if you care about your relationship (or the relationship
you want) at all…

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)



P.S. I know your day is crazy and you have a lot to do, but
this video is short. Put it on your phone, put your headphones
in and really listen to what it says. It could change your life.

====>>> LINK (Find Out What “Love” Secretly Means To A Man)

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Articles, Testimonials, Banner Text, Etc.

[Testimonials] Real messages from real customers

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“Overflowing with Positive Energy after Just Two Lessons”

This material is just phenomenal. I have taken this to a whole other level. I will use this kind of thinking in my relationships with people. I am so happy I bought this. I have only had 2 lessons and I am just overflowing with positive energy. Thank You!

“Finally understanding men… after 50 years!”

I’m really enjoying your lessons, and they are right on. I’ve been working on myself and trying to understand men for 50 years, two marriages (one disastrous) and a couple affairs and am to finally starting to understand it. Your info is clear, down to earth, practical, and sensible.

“Crazy busy… but I always make time to listen to this”

I just wanted to drop you a line an let you know that even though I’ve been so crazy busy treating my own patients these days that I haven’t taken the opportunity to write you, but I’ve always made time to listen to your videos and interviews. WOW! They have helped me in more ways that I can name and became so much more than I expected, especially in my own belief systems in dealing with a very jacked-up love life (sadly)….. But regardless! I’m forwarding an email of the application that I sent [contributing author] Michael Griswold to participate in the upcoming phone sessions. After listening to this interview I was so impressed by your insights that I couldn’t help but want to be a part of it. Take care and God Bless You RICHLY for all you’re doing for us girls out here;)

“This information needs to be told to EVERY woman in the world”

I F*$&ING looove his Secret Survey program! I think this information needs to be told to EVERY woman in the world because the majority of us really have no clue how different men are! I’m an overanalyzer, like I’m guessing you guys are, and this has filled in soooo many gaps that I just couldn’t fill myself! Further, it wasn’t until I started to properly understand men that I could then properly apply dating advice!

“Really, REALLY enjoyed it”

I have really, REALLY enjoyed the Secret Survey. I went away this week with my (amazing) sweetheart, and I had lots of opportunities to talk with him about things that you mentioned, including the information and insights into sex.

His responses were really interesting. He’s 54 years old (I’m 50), and he said that much of what I mentioned would have been at least somewhat true for him when he was younger, but he said that in the last 5 years (he also went through a harrowing divorce), his relation to sex has become a LOT more about emotional connection and slowing down the whole lovemaking process to be fully present and really “listen” through touch. I wonder if he’s unusual or that many (even most?) men become more that way as they get older? Anyway, I could not be more thrilled and honored to have such an amazing, smart, generous, loving, communicative man at my side. (He’s also a COMPLETE HUNK… but he says I’m exaggerating, so I’m glad he doesn’t know how hunky he is  🙂

“Thank you for changing my life”

I started your Secret Survey lessons last week, and I can’t thank you enough! You are exactly what I have needed to really understand how men think. I have to admit, the section on “Why Does He Look at Other Women” was a bit tough to swallow, but the outcome really made me feel better, and relax a lot! I loved your confidence lessons. I learned so much about the mistakes I was making in the relationship. I definitely have done my share of “emotional castration” My hope is that I can use these tools, and make our relationship good again. He fell in love with a very confident woman who spoke her mind, and accepted him for who he was. How did I lose that? You were right on so many aspects, and really opened my eyes! Looking forward to my future lessons with you, and taking what I learned and using everyday….Thank you again for changing my life, and hopefully saving my relationship 🙂

“Wow you hit the nail on the head”

First I would like to say Wow you hit the nail on the head with this. I for one and I know many are glad you did. I started listening to you and did what you said to do No I really listened. I am starting all over again after 23 years. I thought I was doing everything right. Not so much. I can say this I did do a few things right the first time around just not enough. Now that I am starting again I thought I needed a bit of help. I am glad I did you have been for me an eye opener. I can not wait for the texting part to get to me. I can not wait to try that. I did the first three and with in 15 min. he was on skype waiting for me. Now I don’t want to sound greedy here but I am dating two men at this point which I have never done before and wow. Did not matter who I sent it to seconds did not go by before he answered. Like I said I can not wait for the texting part and I have no idea yet which one yet they are still new to me and I am still new to getting it right. Changing me has been the thing I was never willing to do. I changed the way I react to them,that made the difference. I know I lie but they were never to hurt and I would get so mad when he did,now I know why you all lie makes sense now. I am not so quick to get angry or angry at all.

“We’re finally feeling more open with each other sexually”

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your program. I have always struggled with my husband looking at porn and with myself being an over-emotional person which triggered my husband shutting down. There have been a few other factors that have recently changed the direction of our 8 year marriage in a positive way, but your program has had a lot to do with it as well. We’re finally feeling more open with each other sexually and although I will never be 100% ok with him looking at other women because of my deep seeded insecurities, I am learning to deal with it and have figured out my own ways in conjunction with your exact exercises/wording/philosophy to make him want ME more, and since I started your program we’ve had an amazing time together. And we’re even dieting together for the first time and exercising together for the first time ever in the 11 years we’ve been together. Thank you so much for sharing your profound wisdom into the mind of a man. Your advice and teachings are so valuable to me for a lifetime.

“My husband and I are so much happer now”

First of all, a huge thank you, your secret survey programme has helped me so much, me and my husband are so much happier now, that i’ve learnt to understand him and don’t judge him for being a guy anymore!! it makes so much sense now! he used to have to lie to me about a lot of things so i wouldn’t get upset, but now he can tell me pretty much anything without me freaking out. he has said that he feels free and accepted now and that he never thought i could change so many of my hangups or that we could have a relationship where he can be so ‘himself’.

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